Arithmetic/Geometry » Astronomical measurements  

Speed of light

The speed that light travels. The abbreviation for light speed is c.
299 792 458 m/s ≈ 3,0 × 105 km/s

Light year

The distance travelled by light in one year. The abbreviation for light year(s) is ly.
9 460 730 472 580 800 m ≈ 9,46 × 1012 km

Astronomical unit

The average distance between the earth and sun is called the astronomical unit. The abbreviation for astronomical unit is AU.
149 597 870 700 m ≈ 1,5 × 108 km

Miles and kilometres

1 mile = 1.609344 km
1 km = 1.609344–1 miles = 0.621371192... miles

Example 1
The space probe Voyager 1 is the furthest man made object in space and was launched in 1977.
On August 2, 2011 it has travelled 16.367 light hours.
What is this distance in AU's?

16.367 light hours1 AU = 16.367 × 60 × 60 × 3,0 × 1051,5 × 108 ≈ 117.84 AU

Example 2
The speed of Voyager 1 at that moment was 61 400 km/h.
How long would it take to reach the closest star at that speed, if it were traveling to that star. The closest star is Proxima Centauri, at a distance of 4.24 light years.

61 400 km/h = 61400 × 24 × 365 = 5.37864 × 108 km/year
4.24 × 9.46 × 10125.37894 × 108 ≈ 7.46 × 104 ≈ 74 600 years