Who are we?

Aart Dokter

Photo of Aart Dokter
Aart Dokter worked more than forty years until his retirement as a mathematics teacher at Revius Lyceum Doorn. It was his idea to create digital repeat learning exercises using the DWO and with it a theory website. Most of the exercises for forms four to six in the DWO are written by him.
The digital repeat learning exercises and the theory website are therefore named after him. Learn more about these exercises here (in Dutch).

Marcel Pott

Marcel Pott has been working as a mathematics teacher at Revius Lyceum Doorn since 2006. He created the current www.dr-aart.nl and wrote and programmed all digital repeat learning exercises for forms one to three.

Florian Kwant

Florian Kwant created the first lay-out of the theory website, which at that time consisted mainly of examples without actual theory to help students do the DWO-exercises. He also programmed the exercises for Aart Dokter.

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Was together with Aart Dokter a driving force behind the Dr. Aart project. Created several exercises for forms four to six.

Further thanks to

Johan Beuckens, Myriam Nouguier, Arthur Ruiter, Leo Grasman, Annemarie Hofstra and Margriet Hooijman for checking the exercises and Shafi Ilahibaks for writing a couple of pages for the theory website.